Effective Health Promotion in Birds Housed in Aviaries

Evidently, there are certain things that must be done to ensure that your pet birds remain healthy and among which include ensuring that they receive ample nutrition and providing them a healthy environment. When it comes to the latter, maintaining aviaries always clean should be done as the physical and mental health of birds are hugely dependent on their environment. On the other hand circumstances promoting illness and the development of disease-causing pathogens include warmth, moisture, decomposing organic matter, congested and worn out or destabilized livestock, darkness and undisturbed gaps and chinks. Each effort must be made to set right these circumstances by implementing appropriate hygienic measures.

It goes to show that you as a pet bird owner has a huge part in promoting health to the birds and thus prevent untimely death of your treasured pets. Apparently, birds are known to be most susceptible to diseases in their early stage of life prior to their feathering. Newly hatch birds are much more prone to disease than mature ones due to underdeveloped immune system. Thus, it is important to regularly clean their aviaries most especially in such stages of their lives.

Without a doubt, the occurrence and transmission of pathogens that eventually cause disease formation in birds will be effectively prevented by maintaining aviaries clean. There are various means of pathogen transmission namely the direct, airborne and by carrier transmission. The direct means of transmission would need physical contact with an infected bird or with its body excretions. Meanwhile, airborne …